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Healthcare Workforce Management

A single workforce management technology solution built to address the needs of small and rural healthcare systems.

Bringing healthcare providers on board and retaining them can be incredibly challenging without a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution. Vital tasks may fall through the cracks, resulting in gaps in patient care and missed revenue opportunities. Time matters, and candidates begin to look elsewhere when recruiting, onboarding, and medical credentialing take too long.

Intelliworx Healthcare closes the gaps and helps healthcare facilities efficiently manage candidates through the complete life-cycle of recruiting and onboarding, with initial and continuous credential management. Experience increased time-savings. Allow new providers to start seeing patients and generating revenue faster.

Healthcare Workforce Management Suite Features

Healthcare Position Creation and Management

  • Sets the foundation for efficiency and ease of use and minimizes unnecessary spend throughout the HPM experience. 
  • Provides a centralized location for digital document storage and implements a simple and flexible workflow for new medical staff position requests.
  • Use analytics to ensure all relevant parties are aware of average times required for tasks and identify areas for improvement.

Candidate Recruitment

  • Access the tools needed to reduce recruiting time and avoid paying expensive third-party recruiting firms to find physicians.
  • Attract the best candidates in less time by streamlining the posting of open positions to third-party services and then engaging them through tailored eligibility surveys. 
  • Track candidates throughout the hiring process and eliminate manual follow-up through strategic reminders and notifications for all relevant parties.


  • From the moment a candidate is identified for hire through their start date, Intelliworx Healthcare Onboarding handles all workflow tasks. Makes sure new hires are ready to hit the ground running.
  • Ensures all parties are aware of what is needed and by when. Automatically send initial and reminder notifications before tasks become critical or overdue.
  • Increase timeliness and efficiency of onboarding medical staff and minimize the necessity for time-consuming manual follow-up.

Hospital Credential Management

  • Avoid gaps in provision of medical care services due lack of confirmed or lapsed licensure. 
  • Everything necessary to initiate and maintain credentialing is submitted once, assessed, and tracked. 
  • Keeps communication lines open through notifications, reminders and due dates.
  • Makes all pertinent information available to everyone required for initial credentialing and renewals. 

Healthcare Workforce Management Security

  • Intelliworx builds SaaS platforms in use by the U.S. Federal government and has FedRAMP authorization. FedRAMP is the gold standard for security and privacy for government agencies. We apply this same level of dedication to our private-sector clients. Our priority is to keep client data safe and secure within our cloud-based Intelliworx Healthcare platform.

Ease of Use

  • Access everything through an easy-to-use dashboard, designed to be efficient and user-friendly.
  • Intelliworx Healthcare makes the workforce management process less expensive and stressful for everyone involved by consolidating, streamlining and removing frustrations for facilities and candidates.

Streamlining recruiting, onboarding, and credentialing can have significant financial impact. Vacant provider positions cannot see or treat patients.


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