Healthcare physician productivity has skyrocketed
Data suggests technology investment has enabled providers to be more productive; physician-owned practices edge out hospital-owned practices by measure of wRVUs by Intelliworx Physicians have become increasingly more productive over the last decade or so. That’s according to the 2024 Provider Compensation Data Report by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA). That finding was included in a report published last year, which reflects data from more than 211,000 physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs). APPs include nurse practitioners and physician assistants. It covers data through the year ending 2023 and is the most recent the association has currently available publicly. MGMA came to that conclusion by analyzing what the medical community refers to as “Work Relative Value Units” (wRVU). The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) says wRVUs reflect a “physician’s work, including mental effort, decision making, technical skills, physical effort, stress related to patient risk, and amount of time […]