SaaS case study: How the Department of Veteran Affairs modernized financial disclosure

The VA capitalized on the success of a small IT project focused on solving a specific technical problem preventing 150 SGEs from filing financial disclosure forms – and used it to modernize the entire process for 13,000 filers and 5,000 supervisors enterprise-wide  The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) sometimes employs outside experts. This category of personnel is known as Special Government Employees (SGEs). They are usually employed for 130 days or less and work on specific projects that require their specialized knowledge.  SGEs usually maintain outside connections during their special employment – and for good reason. Many put their full-time jobs on hold until a given VA project is complete. Because they maintain these connections, they are required to comply with stringent ethics rules, such as financial disclosure.  Any federal employee, including SGEs, who has influence over budget decisions is required to disclose personal financial holdings. These assets are reviewed […]