Many healthcare employers see the struggle to recruit nurses grow

Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, yet a dearth of talent means this persistent problem continues to weigh on employers  by Intelliworx As it is with providers, healthcare employees everywhere are struggling to attract nurses. That’s according to a new report by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA). Citing an MGMA Stat poll from May 2024, the report says, “22% of medical group leaders say their nurse recruitment and hiring efforts improved in the past year, while the majority (78%) say they have seen little change (43%) or experienced worsened conditions (35%).” The top factor contributing to this healthcare recruiting challenge is a dearth of talent. There simply aren’t enough nurses and it’s hitting rural locations even harder.  Why?  “While some practice leaders noted a smaller pool of candidates in their rural markets, most respondents pointed to tough competition for qualified candidates from hospitals and larger organizations with […]