Benchmarking telework: How much time is the private sector spending in the office?
Several surveys suggest about one-third of U.S. private sector employees are remote; however, amid employee pressure, corporate leaders are increasingly more accepting by Intelliworx A recent report by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) put out some numbers describing the scope of teleworking for federal civil servants. The widely reported document surfaced two interesting statistics about telework that stood out to us: Only about half – roughly 50% – of civil servants serve in roles that are eligible for teleworking. The U.S. government employs approximately 2.5 million civil servants, so in real numbers, that means ~1.25 million are eligible to telework; and Of those federal employees who are eligible to telework, “approximately 60 percent of regular, working hours” are conducted “in-person, at agency-assigned job sites.” Citing figures from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the report says, “The federal workforce has telework rates generally in line with the private […]