Government Blog
You’ll find the latest government news and announcements from Intelliworx, plus insights and analysis as we blog on the B2B topics that matter to the federal government community, including financial disclosure, application management, and telework.

6 solid hot takes on the 2024 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey results
Civil servants gave their employer record high marks for employee engagement and experience; but there are some important nuances by Intelliworx The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) published new data from its 2024 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). The survey is a snapshot of the “organizational climate” for the millions of government employees working across some 430 government agencies. In other words, it asks civil servants how they are feeling about work. The survey was first fielded in 2002 – periodically at first – and then annually since 2010. OPM employs an independent research firm to conduct the survey digitally. Respondents are solicited to participate by email. The survey was conducted this year from May to July. OPM says the response rate was 41%. That’s up from 39% from the year prior. Mathematically, the exact sample size works out to 1,645,841, which puts the size of the federal workforce at north […]

14 resources federal agencies with successful CX modernization initiatives are using
A new GSA report finds while many agencies missed the mark on customer experience, some are succeeding and it highlights the tech resources they are using to improve by Intelliworx Federal agencies across the government have “struggled” to modernize their digital communications channels and improve the overall customer experience (CX). That’s according to a new report published by the General Services Administration (GSA). Modernizing digital communications is a requirement to comply with a number of rules. The most salient is the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA). The legislation was signed into law in 2018 and lists eight requirements agencies must follow when redesigning public-facing websites, mobile apps and other digital communications channels. Those requirements mandate that all government-run digital communication channels must be: accessible; consistent; not duplicative; searchable; encrypted; user data-driven; customizable; and mobile-friendly. Such requirements are aimed at improving the “public’s perceptions of and overall satisfaction with […]

A solid glimpse into federal agency modernization projects
Three agency tech leaders describe how their organization is modernizing IT and overcoming decades of ‘tech debt’ by Intelliworx Modernization is on the agenda for most federal agencies these days – and for good reason. Information technology (IT) has improved dramatically and yet some agencies are still working with IT systems first deployed decades ago. That’s according to a recent virtual panel hosted by the Federal News Network (FNN). The news outlet hosted agency executives and business leaders from across the private sector to share some of the modernization progress the government has made. The panel noted several technological advancements are driving the need for modernization including: Data and network speeds are faster than ever; Broad stakeholder expectations for good experiences (i.e. CX); and There are more devices and of greater variety connecting to networks. Although not stated explicitly, it’s probably safe to add that processing power continues to improve […]

Why is the U.S. government suddenly so interested in CX?
Customer expectations have grown as technology has improved, but better CX also promises to drive efficiencies and cost savings across the federal government by Intelliworx Air travel is a sound analogy for explaining customer experience (CX). This is because individuals traveling to the airport will have many different experiences: Planning a trip and purchasing a ticket; Airport parking; Checking bags with a skycap; Going through security screening; Getting coffee or a snack at an airport restaurant; Checking in at the gate, boarding, takeoff, in-flight service and landing; Picking up luggage at the carousel; and Using public transport – taxis, shuttles, buses or a rideshare. When the steps are listed this way, it’s easy to see that traveling is made up of a collection of interactions. This is, in part, why customer experience has become increasingly important. CX looks across the silos of stakeholder interactions to understand how they collectively affect […]

Benchmarking telework: How much time is the private sector spending in the office?
Several surveys suggest about one-third of U.S. private sector employees are remote; however, amid employee pressure, corporate leaders are increasingly more accepting by Intelliworx A recent report by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) put out some numbers describing the scope of teleworking for federal civil servants. The widely reported document surfaced two interesting statistics about telework that stood out to us: Only about half – roughly 50% – of civil servants serve in roles that are eligible for teleworking. The U.S. government employs approximately 2.5 million civil servants, so in real numbers, that means ~1.25 million are eligible to telework; and Of those federal employees who are eligible to telework, “approximately 60 percent of regular, working hours” are conducted “in-person, at agency-assigned job sites.” Citing figures from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the report says, “The federal workforce has telework rates generally in line with the private […]

10 capabilities of Intelliworx software that might surprise government agencies
From 39 ATOs to 600,000 financial disclosure filings, even the agencies that know us are often surprised to learn how much we’ve grown and what we can do for them by Intelliworx Intelliworx got its start about 20 years ago by transforming paper forms into dynamic web-based forms for the federal government. As you might suspect, the government maintains a vast array of forms – a reported 23,000 – many of which can be long and complicated. The complexity requires citizens to spend some 10.5 billion hours a year figuring out how to complete them. Our approach simplified selected forms making them easier to complete – in less time – and with better data quality. How was this possible? We use an intelligent interview style format, much like the format popularized by tax preparation software. This works well because it breaks complicated forms down into smaller and simpler steps. More […]

Why Standardized Processes are Key to Effective AI Use in Federal Agencies (FEDweek)
The push for artificial intelligence (AI) in government faces a major challenge. Without standardizing business processes and IT infrastructures, agencies risk repeating the inefficiencies of past modernization efforts. Despite years of attempts to standardize, many federal agencies continue to operate in silos. This has resulted in duplicated efforts, inefficiencies, and budget overruns. Without addressing the underlying issues, AI could further complicate IT systems, leading to even greater fragmentation. Intelliworx CEO Rob Hankey explores why successful AI integration hinges on standardizing processes before automating them. Read the full post here: Government AI Push Should Prioritize Standardization or Risk Repeating History (FEDweek)

An interview with the ‘Godmother of Government CX’ on agencies and modernization
Martha Dorris says good customer experience (CX) is a ‘patriotic’ initiative that provides better service and enables the government to run more efficiently and effectively by Intelliworx The concept of customer experience (CX) is getting a lot of attention in Washington, DC these days. While improving experiences sounds like a task for an entertainment company rather than a government, the motivation for better CX boils down to efficiency and effectiveness. So, says Martha Dorris. She spent 34 years championing CX initiatives from her post within the General Services Administration (GSA). Her work there earned the endearing moniker “godmother of government CX.” Today, while she’s retired from the civil service, she remains active as a consultant and host of a government-focused podcast The CX Tipping Point. “People used to laugh at me at the GSA, because, they thought, ‘customer experience? ‘We’re a government, not Disney,” she told us in an interview […]

How the U.S. Government’s digital transformation efforts are reducing the “time tax”
A new report illustrates how federal agencies are using “human-centered design” to improve customer experience (CX) and save everyone time, effort and money by Intelliworx Many government processes are initiated by completing a form. You read the instructions, fill out the data, and submit the document – and then wait to hear about the next steps. These forms tend to be long, complicated and take time to complete. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has called this a “time tax” on several occasions. Our very own CEO Rob Hankey recently observed one such process up close. His wife recently attained U.S. citizenship, which involved completing many forms over years. For example, she completed one form to enter the country on a fiancé visa. Then, once married, she completed a separate form to apply for a green card. Later, when she met the prerequisites to apply for citizenship, she filled […]

7 interesting benefits government agencies should experience when modernizing their forms and application processes
Intelliworx has worked with 39 different government agencies over the years to modernize thousands of government forms, improve data collection, and the associated business processes by Intelliworx The first step in many government processes often requires filling out a form. In many cases, a form is the beginning of an application process – an application for benefits, permits, approval, scholarships, or licensing. The form itself is nothing more than a means to collect data for a future decision. Getting things right is important because the decision, as in the case of government entitlements, can be life-changing. If the first step in a process is broken, the problem will cascade causing much bigger problems later. The recent modernization of the FASFA form is a good illustration of what can go wrong. This is just one example, however, and while it’s received a lot of attention, there are many examples of government […]