Healthcare providers express frustration with payers over denied treatments [survey]

Providers chafe when insurance companies second guess their medical decisions; 74% indicate it happens frequently; 45% say it takes too much time; 44% have considered quitting over the demands these engagements add to their jobs by Intelliworx When healthcare insurers deny treatments it can derail a healthcare provider’s day. Suddenly, they are thrust into a forum where they have to justify their medical decisions. Many providers say this happens too frequently and takes up too much time.  That’s according to a new survey of 211 U.S.-based healthcare providers published by Intelliworx. Respondents were solicited through an independent survey panel between January 30, 2025, and February 4, 2025.  The survey may well serve as a call to action for healthcare employers as well.  While many providers say their employers are supportive, there is a substantial percentage who say employers could do more to help them manage this challenge. What’s more, the […]